Monday, April 15, 2013

Into Cambodia

Very interesting and challenging day today, starting with our first border crossing into Cambodia from Thailand. Actually ended up being very easy due to wonders of the net, as we had electronic visas already in place and they worked!

So onwards into the town of Battambang where we stay for for a couple of days, quite a good hotel right by the food market, where we bought some exotic fruits and where we have just dined out on the street - Maggie had roasted chicken, I had a whole baked fish, after some Coconut fish paste sort of starter - whole thing cost about $7 fantastic! Earlier on we turned down another delicacy - roasted river cockroach with chilli - see picture.

On the cultural front we visited a couple of temples - lots if Buddha - plus our first killing field site- altogether a very full day- tomorrow is a rest day so we have some plans involving massage - more next time

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